Flapper Style: A Tribute to the 20's
Through the Body Dance invites you to celebrate our upcoming show "Seven," a 1920's themed speak easy cabaret, making flapper inspired head bands paired with makeup and hair styles of that era.
In this class, participants will be able to create their own flapper style headbands as well as get some makeup and hair tips in order to dress like someone from the 1920's. And of course...drinks will be served!
Anyone who loves the style and party-like atmosphere associated with the 1920's is invited to attend this event. It's a fun opportunity to create something to take home, have a few drinks, and gain some beauty tips to inspire you for your next Gatsby event.
Classes at OuterSpace studios are suggested donation only. If you reserve your spot through Dabble, reimbursements are optional upon arrival to my class at OuterSpace.
All ages welcome
All materials to make headbands will be provided as well as some alcoholic beverages
Cancellation Policy
Stephanie Williams is the founder and artistic director of Through the Body Dance, a Chicago based modern dance company. Williams founded the company in 2009 after graduating Columbia College Chicago with a BFA in teaching dance and has been independently producing shows with her cast of all women dancers. Through the Body believes in telling stories of personal experience through the body in order to connect with their audience on a visceral level.
When Stephanie is not working with her company you can find her teaching at Barre Bee Fit and the University Club of Chicago.