Cross It Off: A No Excuses Day

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Event Overview

NOTE: DUE TO COVID, THIS WILL BE 100% VIRTUAL. A link to our room will be sent to you after you register.


“What an inspiring day!  Thank you for creating the format and facilitating such a successful event.  I hope you’ll do it again as I’d love to come back!”

 “GAME CHANGER!!! I’m having the most productive and happiest Monday I’ve had in awhile.”

 "I admit, when I heard about this initially, I thought, 'Why would I pay to do something I can do on my own?' I get it now. I got done in 10 minutes today things that I couldn't get done in the past three months."

 "Admittedly I was a bit skeptical when I first heard the concept of Cross It Off Day. Why would I pay someone else money to accomplish what I can do in the privacy and comfort of my own home? And then I regretted not going once I realized, 'yes, that's absolutely the kick in the pants I need to get sh*t done.' So when Cross It Off came up again, I jumped at the opportunity! And while my overzealous, highly ambitious self did not cross off everything I had on my list (seriously, this list was about 20 items long), I accomplished the ONE thing I set out to do that day -- that big, hairy audacious goal I'd been putting off FOREVER. And damn did it feel good to do that!" 

 "Thank you so much for hosting the Cross It Off event – it’s always one of my favorite days! Can’t wait for the next one!"


  • Do you have something on your To Do List that’s been there for far too long and is now a source of stress, guilt, or feeling like a failure?

  • Do you keep pushing back the “deadline” of a task or project?

  • Are you really good at finding things to work on that aren't THE thing you actually need/want to be working on?

  • Have a hard time reaching completion? Are you constantly stopping and starting and hamster’ing in the hamster-wheel?

  • Do you enjoy working solo but amongst others whom are also working?

  • Or maybe you just want a day to self-indulge and read trashy magazines while curled up in armchair before you do a ginormous 1000-piece puzzle? 

Are you ready to finally cross "it" off? 

Focus. Feedback. Camaraderie. Distraction free. Progress. Feel good.

An entire day to get it done.

Bring your unfinished projects, the guilt-ladened items glaring at you from the fridge post-it or that abandoned list of your 2015 goals. It’s much more fun (and effective) to work on your to-do list when everyone around you is also hunkering down.

You're tired of your excuses. We are too. No more excuses.

But also.

Play. Self-care. Selfishness. Fun. Feel good.

An entire day to do whatever you want to do.

Bring that trashy romance novel you've been dying to read. Those trashy magazines eyeing you from the guilty pleasure drawer. The drawing or painting you keep promising you'll get back to. The scarf you want to knit. The reconnecting with high school or college friends. The puzzle still in the box.

Maybe it's a serious, business'y, adult task you want to tackle. Maybe it's a YouTube tutorial on how to put makeup on.

The point is that you have a chunk of uninterrupted hours for you to do you. 

Primary Goal

Remove the big, hairy task from your To Do List. OR have a day dedicated to all the things you love to do but don't make the time for -- reading for pleasure, art, scrapbooking, making mixes, Legos, video games. Your passion projects, your side hustles, your Squeeeeee.

Secondary Goals

  • Get feedback and support on specific tasks/projects or big picture’ness

  • Meet other motivated individuals who may turn into friends, clients, collaborators

  • Utilize a space outside of your normal space

  • Set yourself up for future success


  • Group kickoff and tour

  • Individual work (including breaks and lunch)

  • Group wrap-up including your progress report and "So, now what?" discussion


What to Bring

Whatever you need to get your thing(s) done.

Minimum age

1 years or older

Cancellation Policy

There are currently no upcoming dates scheduled for this Dabble. Log in to an account message the host or add to your bucket list to be automatically notified when new dates are posted.


A TEDx speaker and one of Brazen Careerist' s Top Twenty Young Professionals to Watch, Saya has discovered how to turn her love of creating community, challenging herself and those around her, and enjoying life to its fullest into her “job.” Via her company Mac & Cheese Productions℠, she helps others (and herself) live a Life of Yes℠. Saya is from Evanston, went to Boston College, and resides in Chicago.

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