Introduction to Glassblowing/Lampworking

Event Category

Arts & DIY

Event Overview

The Green Devil Glass Studios has hosted lampworking studio rentals and private classes in borosilicate for over two years. In these couple of years of operation we have learned that people have an equal interest and attraction for this fiery trade as we do. Glass working is a long and rewarding venture that can start with a simple introductory session of two hours. The course teaches the basics from rod holding to molten glass gathering and manipulation. We use local glass artists to share their interpretation of our lesson plans and objectives through out the year. You will sculpt flowers peddle per peddle in a 3000 degree flame and be shown how to make a simple mushroom marble on your own torch. This class is all hands on and kept to a small group so there is plenty of instructor student interaction. All the materials, tools, torches, and instruction are offered in this two hour introduction. This first class is the first step to becoming a lampworker who will be able to make compositions, pipes, pendants, or figurines in time.

What to Bring

Closed toed shoes and comfortable attire, dress for the season.

Minimum age

All ages welcome

What's Provided

Glasses, materials, and torch will be provided.

Cancellation Policy

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I graduated from Otis College of Art and Design an Illustrator. I have taught public and private schools and ventured into lampworking/glassblowing in my years of artistic growth. Using a medium that burns brilliantly in every one's eye, we make learning fun.