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30 have dabbled

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Michele Lakemeyer (formally Enos)

Michele Lakemeyer (formally Enos) is a local Chicago social justice educator who believes that in order to create systemic change, people must first engage in self-work that critically examines their own socialization, power, and privilege in the world. She is passionate about challenging patterns of dominance, particularly in the context of interpersonal and group dynamics. Michele facilitates trainings and workshops locally and nationally on social justice language, issues around power, privilege, oppression, and socialization. Michele is particularly passionate about anti-racism work and has facilitated a number of white affinity spaces and caucus groups for undergraduate students, faculty, and staff within higher education and K-12, as well as staff within nonprofits.


Michele Lakemeyer (formally Enos) is a local Chicago social justice educator who believes that in order to create systemic change, people must first engage in self-work that critically examines their own socialization, power, and privilege in the world. She is passionate about challenging patterns of dominance, particularly in the context of interpersonal and group dynamics. Michele facilitates trainings and workshops locally and nationally on social justice language, issues around power, privilege, oppression, and socialization. Michele is particularly passionate about anti-racism work and has facilitated a number of white affinity spaces and caucus groups for undergraduate students, faculty, and staff within higher education and K-12, as well as staff within nonprofits.