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Evie Yang, CCA (Certified Clinical Aromatherapist), is so grateful for her second chance in life to actually be happy, to be able to do what she truly loves!

As a former pharmacist of 13 years, she dreaded every second of it. She was working non-stop and stressed out; all the while not giving her health any thought.

When she got physically ill this made her stop and listen to her body. On her road of discovery and healing, Evie was introduced to essential oils. The first time she used Lavender, she was amazed by what she experienced.

Evie loves teaching others about how essential oils can be a huge support to the wellbeing of the body, mind, and emotions. More info Feel free to reach out to her and ask questions, 858.922.2964, :)


Evie Yang, CCA (Certified Clinical Aromatherapist), is so grateful for her second chance in life to actually be happy, to be able to do what she truly loves!

As a former pharmacist of 13 years, she dreaded every second of it. She was working non-stop and stressed out; all the while not giving her health any thought.

When she got physically ill this made her stop and listen to her body. On her road of discovery and healing, Evie was introduced to essential oils. The first time she used Lavender, she was amazed by what she experienced.

Evie loves teaching others about how essential oils can be a huge support to the wellbeing of the body, mind, and emotions. More info Feel free to reach out to her and ask questions, 858.922.2964, :)