
6 have dabbled

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Medium square ahill


6 have dabbled

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Big square ahill

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Ashleigh Hill

Ashleigh holds an MA in Gender Studies from DePaul University and created A Fractured Life project, which provides basic knowledge of feminist and queer theology and gender studies. She leads workshops on women's lived experiences, chosen family, and spiritual development and has worked with women and LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness, violence, and pregnancy discrimination. Ashleigh is a pop culture writer, editor, animal-shelter-volunteer, and east-coaster living in Chicago.


Ashleigh holds an MA in Gender Studies from DePaul University and created A Fractured Life project, which provides basic knowledge of feminist and queer theology and gender studies. She leads workshops on women's lived experiences, chosen family, and spiritual development and has worked with women and LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness, violence, and pregnancy discrimination. Ashleigh is a pop culture writer, editor, animal-shelter-volunteer, and east-coaster living in Chicago.