
Medium square adams m m


Big square adams m m

Not Active in the last 12 months

Ray Roske

Ray Roske is a motorcycle lifestyle writer and an Industry Consultant for a Construction Management software company. Long before SaaS, the cloud, mobile apps and the deep and dark web, even before the browser accessible internet, He began his technical journey just after charcoal and shovel, in those halcyon graphite years, traveling swiftly through time powered by a red mechanical pencil. Exactly like the one that put a man in the moon.

Ray currently rides a Ducati Multistrada and buys, fixes and flips vintage motorcycles in his spare time. But if you're in a tight spot, he can also recommend a good wine, juggle, lay tile, rebuild an engine, fly a small airplane, make a peanut butter sandwich while changing a diaper, grow a garden, raise a chicken, deliver a baby, make killer salsa and pierogi's, shift through the gears on a wheelie, drive a Peterbuilt, speak Pig Latin, remove a fishing fly from chin with needle nose pliars, sink the eight-ball on the break, identify a cancerous mole, use hand gestures when public speaking, weld with torch, stick or MIG, jump off a ladder with a running chainsaw, pick locks, hot wire a car, doodle, outrun a police officer, whistle three different ways, whittle, gut a deer, pull teeth (kids or pets), teach anyone to ride a bike. He is married with three children and living happily ever after here right here in our beautiful city - Denver, Colorado.


Ray Roske is a motorcycle lifestyle writer and an Industry Consultant for a Construction Management software company. Long before SaaS, the cloud, mobile apps and the deep and dark web, even before the browser accessible internet, He began his technical journey just after charcoal and shovel, in those halcyon graphite years, traveling swiftly through time powered by a red mechanical pencil. Exactly like the one that put a man in the moon.

Ray currently rides a Ducati Multistrada and buys, fixes and flips vintage motorcycles in his spare time. But if you're in a tight spot, he can also recommend a good wine, juggle, lay tile, rebuild an engine, fly a small airplane, make a peanut butter sandwich while changing a diaper, grow a garden, raise a chicken, deliver a baby, make killer salsa and pierogi's, shift through the gears on a wheelie, drive a Peterbuilt, speak Pig Latin, remove a fishing fly from chin with needle nose pliars, sink the eight-ball on the break, identify a cancerous mole, use hand gestures when public speaking, weld with torch, stick or MIG, jump off a ladder with a running chainsaw, pick locks, hot wire a car, doodle, outrun a police officer, whistle three different ways, whittle, gut a deer, pull teeth (kids or pets), teach anyone to ride a bike. He is married with three children and living happily ever after here right here in our beautiful city - Denver, Colorado.