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Victor Kinzer has been involved with EA in a variety of ways over the years. In his other lives he has worked in IT, in various restaurants, and has taught cooking classes on everything from elevating your food while in a college dorm, to home made truffles. He has dabbled in game design, open source software, home made alcohol infusions, web comic writing, and on and off gardening. His interest in all forms of Asian food is long standing, but has been a major culinary focus for him over the last year.
Victor Kinzer has been involved with EA in a variety of ways over the years. In his other lives he has worked in IT, in various restaurants, and has taught cooking classes on everything from elevating your food while in a college dorm, to home made truffles. He has dabbled in game design, open source software, home made alcohol infusions, web comic writing, and on and off gardening. His interest in all forms of Asian food is long standing, but has been a major culinary focus for him over the last year.