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Voice Circle Colorado

Roy Willey believes singing is everyone's birthright. As a musician specializing in vocal improvisation, his goal is to guide students past self-judgement and fear to connect with their inner music. His background as a Sound, Energy and Meditation Facilitator adds to his expertise in using the voice as a tool for mindfulness and healing. He's studied intensively with masters such as Bobby McFerrin, Rhiannon, Meredith Monk, Judi Vinar, and many others.


Roy Willey believes singing is everyone's birthright. As a musician specializing in vocal improvisation, his goal is to guide students past self-judgement and fear to connect with their inner music. His background as a Sound, Energy and Meditation Facilitator adds to his expertise in using the voice as a tool for mindfulness and healing. He's studied intensively with masters such as Bobby McFerrin, Rhiannon, Meredith Monk, Judi Vinar, and many others.