Improv Fundamentals: 8-Week Improv Comedy Class

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Event Category

Arts & DIY

Note: This is a multi-session event series. By purchasing the event package, you acknowledge that you can attend all event dates included below.
Event Overview

Have you always wanted to try your hand at improv comedy/theatre? This is the place to start!

Theatre Momentum's Improv Fundamentals classes are a low-impact, fun-packed dive into the basics of improv comedy/theatre. Learn to think quickly on your feet, create stories in the moment, and trust your instincts. New classes start in early October!

The Improv Fundamentals class series will teach you the skills to get comfortable onstage, trust your instincts, and build stories onstage, instantly, with your fellow students. It all starts with yes, and..classes are $100/level for 8 weeks of classes. That's $12.50/class. Cannot beat that!

Classes run Sundays from 3-5 PM from October 2- December 4 (no class on 10/30 or 11/27)

Here's the Level 1 details for Improv Fundamentals: Building Blocks

Agreement, listening, building stories together. Students will learn all these basics and more from our Level 1 classes. Break out of your shell and start your journey. You are all superheroes, poets, and rock stars. Come see how.

Minimum age

All ages welcome

Cancellation Policy

There are currently no upcoming dates scheduled for this Dabble. Log in to an account message the host or add to your bucket list to be automatically notified when new dates are posted.


Tony Rielage is the Artistic Director and Founder of Theatre Momentum, and has been performing, directing, and producing improv theatre for over 20 years. He has trained at iO, the Playground, and Annoyance, and founded TM’s precursor workshop, Workshop-in-Progress, and then Theatre Momentum. He is the head instructor of Theatre Momentum's Training Center.