Do Something Different For Mom

Carousel mother s day 3
Event Category

Fitness & Wellness

Event Overview

How about a blissful color meditation followed by a Chakra balancing then head down to South Broadway for lunch, shopping or maybe a movie at the Mayan. You can enjoy all three of these events or just the ones you are interested in. $10 for all three.

Coloring Meditation: Our style of meditation while coloring is effortless, easy and requires no particular belief. 10:45-11:45 am (all supplies are provided.

FREE Chakra Balancing & Energy Clearings: Remove stagnant and useless energy from your Aura and Chakras. You will feel relaxed, light and positive. Noon-1 pm

Learn How to Trust Your Intuition: If you would like to gain the knowledge on how you can develop and open up to your intuitive voice with more precision, this group class is for you. 1:15-3 pm $ 10

Minimum age

All ages welcome

Cancellation Policy

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David Stevens The Founder, Rochelle Fisher Co-Founder plus our experienced Yoga of the Mind students will be offering Chakra Balancing. Rochelle Will lead both the Color Meditation and if you stay for the Trust Your Intuition Workshop. The Trust Your Intuition Workshop includes learning our short grounding meditation plus we do a fun intuitive exercise.