Baby-Signing Workshops/ Sign Language Classes

Event Category


Event Overview

Interactive and Fun Baby-Signing Workshop! 75 signs are taught with a guarantee of being able to begin communicating with your little one after completion of this 2 hour workshop.

Techniques for when and how to teach your baby, benefits of early sign communication and frequently asked questions are all discussed along with tips for "singing in sign" and in "reading in sign".

This workshop is geared for parents, grandparents, older siblings and care-providers. Why wait to communicate?

Sign up for a workshop, host a workshop or join me online/Skype for a one-on-one private lesson.

Minimum age

All ages welcome

Cancellation Policy

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Barb Van Horn is director and founder of KidzSign Biz. She is using her curriculum, experience and enthusiasm to assist educators, parents, nurses, adoption agencies and other caregivers in their efforts to develop early effective communication with babies and young children. She conducts workshops to teach parents and educators the benefits of using the KidzSign program. She has been a speaker at the Colorado Association for the Education of Young Children (CAEYC) and has been a presenter at the Metropolitan State College of Denver KidsBrain Conference, receiving exceptional reviews.

Signing has been a part of my life as far back as I can remember. As a child, being able to communicate in sign language with my cousin who is deaf, sparked my interest and created a desire to begin my journey with a career helping and working with the deaf/hearing impaired population.

My education includes a strong background in tutoring / interpreting for the deaf, a Bachelors Degree in Audiology / Deaf Education and a Masters Degree in Special Education / Audiology. I have worked in schools, private practice and in medical settings and have been teaching sign language to all ages, both hearing and hearing-impaired for the past twenty-five or so years.