
3 have dabbled

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3 have dabbled

Not Active in the last 12 months

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Not Active in the last 12 months

Tish Gance

I do the voodoo I do because I'm sick of seeing small businesses waste time, money, and effort on fads and gimmicks with unfulfilled promises. After spending many years in printing and web design, watching not only my clients but my employer struggle to find the right way to reach their customers, I decided I needed to do something that would make a difference.

By bringing back common sense, intelligent design, and purposeful architecture to the world of small business marketing, I help entrepreneurs grow their business authentically and within the constraints of their resources, so they may flourish and connect with their customers effectively on and offline.

think that sounds good? Then sign up for a class!


I do the voodoo I do because I'm sick of seeing small businesses waste time, money, and effort on fads and gimmicks with unfulfilled promises. After spending many years in printing and web design, watching not only my clients but my employer struggle to find the right way to reach their customers, I decided I needed to do something that would make a difference.

By bringing back common sense, intelligent design, and purposeful architecture to the world of small business marketing, I help entrepreneurs grow their business authentically and within the constraints of their resources, so they may flourish and connect with their customers effectively on and offline.

think that sounds good? Then sign up for a class!