
6 have dabbled

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6 have dabbled

Not Active in the last 12 months

Big square aaron   professional photo

Not Active in the last 12 months

Aaron Hart

Aaron Hart has been playing chess his whole life. As co-captain of his high school chess club, he led his team to 3rd in Illinois State two years in a row. Aaron has trained with Chicago Experts Joseph Splinter and Blair Machaj. With an approximate rating of 1800, Aaron specializes in basic strategy and openings, specifically The French Defense, The Center Counter, and Queen's Gambit Declined.

By day, Aaron is a real estate broker at Innovative Real Estate Group in Denver. On the side, he fronts a local rock band, skis, and is always working on a new business or project.


Aaron Hart has been playing chess his whole life. As co-captain of his high school chess club, he led his team to 3rd in Illinois State two years in a row. Aaron has trained with Chicago Experts Joseph Splinter and Blair Machaj. With an approximate rating of 1800, Aaron specializes in basic strategy and openings, specifically The French Defense, The Center Counter, and Queen's Gambit Declined.

By day, Aaron is a real estate broker at Innovative Real Estate Group in Denver. On the side, he fronts a local rock band, skis, and is always working on a new business or project.