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Not Active in the last 12 months

Amber L

Domina is known to most as Top Kitty Kat, but to those whom she has allowed to get to know her on a more personal note, as Domina. Being on the scene for several years, she has decided to create her own fetish fantasy world, dubbing it the Carpe Omnia Club, and letting those around her get a glimpse into her interests.

Domina loves event planning! If there is an event you think that the Carpe Omnia Club will enjoy, would like to sponsor the Carpe Omnia Club, submit a venue, or collaborate with her feel free to suggest your idea to her. There is nothing she enjoys more than sharing new experiences with others!


Domina is known to most as Top Kitty Kat, but to those whom she has allowed to get to know her on a more personal note, as Domina. Being on the scene for several years, she has decided to create her own fetish fantasy world, dubbing it the Carpe Omnia Club, and letting those around her get a glimpse into her interests.

Domina loves event planning! If there is an event you think that the Carpe Omnia Club will enjoy, would like to sponsor the Carpe Omnia Club, submit a venue, or collaborate with her feel free to suggest your idea to her. There is nothing she enjoys more than sharing new experiences with others!