
Medium square 20170121 094507


Big square 20170121 094507

Not Active in the last 12 months

Artful & Tourtastic

I'm a Chicago native who loves to exercise, create art and give unique tours throughout the city. I have been creating art practically my whole life. I have experience in painting, drawing, and using unique materials to create new art.

I love to run and workout and my experience includes 10 years of coaching cross country and track and field at Lake View High School.

Lastly, I'm always looking for new places to eat and hidden gems throughout the city, so I love to show and share with others.

So let's make art, get in shape and discover new neighborhoods restaurants!


I'm a Chicago native who loves to exercise, create art and give unique tours throughout the city. I have been creating art practically my whole life. I have experience in painting, drawing, and using unique materials to create new art.

I love to run and workout and my experience includes 10 years of coaching cross country and track and field at Lake View High School.

Lastly, I'm always looking for new places to eat and hidden gems throughout the city, so I love to show and share with others.

So let's make art, get in shape and discover new neighborhoods restaurants!