
3 have dabbled

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3 have dabbled

Not Active in the last 12 months

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Not Active in the last 12 months

Ashley Marsico

When Ashley was very young, her grandma taught her how to crochet. She started with an afghan using the granny square pattern. From there Ashley wanted to learn more and advanced to blankets, mittens, bags, headbands and other little crocheted projects. In high school, she started a little hat business call ASH HATS which she still continues working on today. Ashley has taught intro to crochet classes in the past and looks forward to teaching more.


When Ashley was very young, her grandma taught her how to crochet. She started with an afghan using the granny square pattern. From there Ashley wanted to learn more and advanced to blankets, mittens, bags, headbands and other little crocheted projects. In high school, she started a little hat business call ASH HATS which she still continues working on today. Ashley has taught intro to crochet classes in the past and looks forward to teaching more.