
Medium square img 20151203 222324


Big square img 20151203 222324

Not Active in the last 12 months

Ben Lane

Created in 2013, FLP promotes unity and broadening the spectrum of thought through innovative, artistic methods. Established by social enterprise L.A.N.E. 86, a brand that makes positive connections between artistry and passion by utilizing multiple outlets of expression, FLP's art productions and creations made are based on one's perception and how life is viewed by the mind's eye.

Ben is an artist who inspires others through various art forms, participants will have the opportunity to create personalized artwork while learning new art techniques and even something about self. Expression is the closest thing to freedom. Come be free with us!


Created in 2013, FLP promotes unity and broadening the spectrum of thought through innovative, artistic methods. Established by social enterprise L.A.N.E. 86, a brand that makes positive connections between artistry and passion by utilizing multiple outlets of expression, FLP's art productions and creations made are based on one's perception and how life is viewed by the mind's eye.

Ben is an artist who inspires others through various art forms, participants will have the opportunity to create personalized artwork while learning new art techniques and even something about self. Expression is the closest thing to freedom. Come be free with us!