Meghan Powell

Medium square powell m. 1a  2

Meghan Powell

Big square powell m. 1a  2

Not Active in the last 12 months

Meghan Powell

Meghan has worked in the corporate world for many years and has been studying and performing, as an improviser at The Second-City, The IO Theater, The Annoyance Theater, since 2013. I have been developing customized corporate improvisational training for companies since 2016. Having fun while growing and learning is something she specializes in!


Meghan has worked in the corporate world for many years and has been studying and performing, as an improviser at The Second-City, The IO Theater, The Annoyance Theater, since 2013. I have been developing customized corporate improvisational training for companies since 2016. Having fun while growing and learning is something she specializes in!