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Do you have empty, used candle containers lying around and think: "Oh, I'll wash this out and refill it"? Or maybe you'll use it as a planter? Pencil Holder? Something?
But life gets busy and you don't get around to it?
Candlecraft Chicago offers a candle refill service.
Give us your empty candle, then we’ll clean it, refill it with all natural, plant based wax. Sustain the life of your containers while helping reduce waste.
Bonus - it's a fraction of the cost of buying new candles!
Do you have empty, used candle containers lying around and think: "Oh, I'll wash this out and refill it"? Or maybe you'll use it as a planter? Pencil Holder? Something?
But life gets busy and you don't get around to it?
Candlecraft Chicago offers a candle refill service.
Give us your empty candle, then we’ll clean it, refill it with all natural, plant based wax. Sustain the life of your containers while helping reduce waste.
Bonus - it's a fraction of the cost of buying new candles!