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Medium square carol schmidt 2017


2 have dabbled

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Big square carol schmidt 2017

Not Active in the last 12 months

Carol Schmidt

A longtime Colorado resident who has spent her life connected with Nature ....hiking, camping, biking, skiing and gardening. 10 years ago she discovered the link between plants, flowers, trees to staying healthy. Her love for essential oils has turned into a passion for sharing it with everyone! Along the way she earned her certification in Aromatherapy. But don't be impressed...its something everyone who wants to learn the miracle of plant based medicine can easily do!


A longtime Colorado resident who has spent her life connected with Nature ....hiking, camping, biking, skiing and gardening. 10 years ago she discovered the link between plants, flowers, trees to staying healthy. Her love for essential oils has turned into a passion for sharing it with everyone! Along the way she earned her certification in Aromatherapy. But don't be impressed...its something everyone who wants to learn the miracle of plant based medicine can easily do!