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Christa Bitner, MS, CN

Christa Bitner, MS, CN is The Food Therapist. She is a Certified Nutritionist with clinical training as a Mental Health Counselor. A passionate yoga practitioner and “recovering perfectionist", she incorporates mindfulness and intuitive eating principles into her work with clients. She helps women to stop “should-ing” all over themselves and to find balanced nourishment without guilt or deprivation. In her spare time she loves to craft herbal lip balm, play outside, and try new adventures!


Christa Bitner, MS, CN is The Food Therapist. She is a Certified Nutritionist with clinical training as a Mental Health Counselor. A passionate yoga practitioner and “recovering perfectionist", she incorporates mindfulness and intuitive eating principles into her work with clients. She helps women to stop “should-ing” all over themselves and to find balanced nourishment without guilt or deprivation. In her spare time she loves to craft herbal lip balm, play outside, and try new adventures!