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CircEsteem Staff

Since 2001, CircEsteem's mission has been to unite youth from diverse racial, cultural, and economic backgrounds and help them build self-esteem and mutual respect through the practice of circus arts. All of CircEsteem’s programs are interlocking and each one takes a holistic approach to working with youth.

CircEsteem has grown into such an amazing program because of the countless hours and limitless energy given by circus professionals, curious volunteers, and excited educators passing on what they know. Our staff has gone on to tour with circuses as acrobats and clowns, gone to public and private schools bringing circus to their classrooms and started outreach programs of their own.


Since 2001, CircEsteem's mission has been to unite youth from diverse racial, cultural, and economic backgrounds and help them build self-esteem and mutual respect through the practice of circus arts. All of CircEsteem’s programs are interlocking and each one takes a holistic approach to working with youth.

CircEsteem has grown into such an amazing program because of the countless hours and limitless energy given by circus professionals, curious volunteers, and excited educators passing on what they know. Our staff has gone on to tour with circuses as acrobats and clowns, gone to public and private schools bringing circus to their classrooms and started outreach programs of their own.