
2 have dabbled

Not Active in the last 12 months

Medium square me in green facing forward cropped medium


2 have dabbled

Not Active in the last 12 months

Big square me in green facing forward cropped medium

Not Active in the last 12 months

Claire Tompkins

I got into this field out of curiosity about people. How do they live? What do they choose to have around them? How do they spend their time? The most fun part about my work is still the personal aspect, getting to know my clients so I can help them create the living and working environments they truly want.

When I'm not working I play Japanese taiko drum with a performing group. I also love blues dancing.


I got into this field out of curiosity about people. How do they live? What do they choose to have around them? How do they spend their time? The most fun part about my work is still the personal aspect, getting to know my clients so I can help them create the living and working environments they truly want.

When I'm not working I play Japanese taiko drum with a performing group. I also love blues dancing.