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Dance & All That Jazz Studio

Dance & All That Jazz is committed to providing high-quality dance classes to enhance the overall development of the dancer. We provide a fun, positive, and encouraging environment while the student explores the different styles of dance. The students will learn confidence, coordination, discipline, as well as, exploring their own creative movement. All instructors have been chosen because of their passion for dance and teaching. Dance & All That Jazz Instructors hold themselves to high standards, striving to continue their dance education through schooling, learning opportunities, and dance experiences in the community.


Dance & All That Jazz is committed to providing high-quality dance classes to enhance the overall development of the dancer. We provide a fun, positive, and encouraging environment while the student explores the different styles of dance. The students will learn confidence, coordination, discipline, as well as, exploring their own creative movement. All instructors have been chosen because of their passion for dance and teaching. Dance & All That Jazz Instructors hold themselves to high standards, striving to continue their dance education through schooling, learning opportunities, and dance experiences in the community.