
15 have dabbled

Not Active in the last 12 months

Medium square your face


15 have dabbled

Not Active in the last 12 months

Big square your face

Not Active in the last 12 months

Deanna Marie Choreography

I am here to help good people that want to help good people. I do that through movement.
Need a hip hop routine? Got it.
A dazzling cheer performance that will "Bring It”? I’m your girl
(Just ask Big Red)
Dire need of a Wedding performance that includes an Uncle Joe solo accommodating his bad hip ? Dial Deanna.
Happen to need a few hundred children to sit and dance silently together... and beg to do it again? I’ve done it.
Moving is how I get to show the world my soul.

The energy you provide for yourself is also the energy you provide for others, lets make sure it's pure. Have a date night with your energy by letting it move FREE with ME! You will walk away from each Deanna Marie Choreography Experience with sweat on your back, a smile on your face, and greater appreciation for the most important person in your life, yourself.

Happy Workouts make Happy Bodies and Happy Bodies make Happy Lives and Happy Lives are worth more money can buy so my classes are kinda free right? (lol, its math)

I look forward to feeding all of your dance needs,
Let’s eat!


I am here to help good people that want to help good people. I do that through movement.
Need a hip hop routine? Got it.
A dazzling cheer performance that will "Bring It”? I’m your girl
(Just ask Big Red)
Dire need of a Wedding performance that includes an Uncle Joe solo accommodating his bad hip ? Dial Deanna.
Happen to need a few hundred children to sit and dance silently together... and beg to do it again? I’ve done it.
Moving is how I get to show the world my soul.

The energy you provide for yourself is also the energy you provide for others, lets make sure it's pure. Have a date night with your energy by letting it move FREE with ME! You will walk away from each Deanna Marie Choreography Experience with sweat on your back, a smile on your face, and greater appreciation for the most important person in your life, yourself.

Happy Workouts make Happy Bodies and Happy Bodies make Happy Lives and Happy Lives are worth more money can buy so my classes are kinda free right? (lol, its math)

I look forward to feeding all of your dance needs,
Let’s eat!