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Not Active in the last 12 months


Domingo is a Chicago-based technology entrepreneur – helping collect, monetize and report data in the live event industry.

4+ years of experience in business development, educational programming for sport and entertainment management, event production, brand marketing, sponsorship activation, venue contracting, team development, business operations and data administration. Second entertainment venture and excited to continue growing our amazing team, shipping, and innovating within the ad-tech and sponsorship industries.

Passionate about social entrepreneurship, access to music and arts, poverty alleviation, anti-violence initiatives and youth driven non-profits. Please contact me if you're involved in the above or have network/expertise in concious live entertainment, positive journalism, social ticketing, or philanthropic background in the arts:


Domingo is a Chicago-based technology entrepreneur – helping collect, monetize and report data in the live event industry.

4+ years of experience in business development, educational programming for sport and entertainment management, event production, brand marketing, sponsorship activation, venue contracting, team development, business operations and data administration. Second entertainment venture and excited to continue growing our amazing team, shipping, and innovating within the ad-tech and sponsorship industries.

Passionate about social entrepreneurship, access to music and arts, poverty alleviation, anti-violence initiatives and youth driven non-profits. Please contact me if you're involved in the above or have network/expertise in concious live entertainment, positive journalism, social ticketing, or philanthropic background in the arts: