
2 have dabbled

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2 have dabbled

Not Active in the last 12 months

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Not Active in the last 12 months

Emily Rabe

My background is in Human Services. I love to cook, dance, solar bake, hang out with friends and family, and chill with my dog. Traveling is one of my top priorities in life and my Spanish Skills often come in handy even when I'm not in a Spanish-speaking country (met a Colombian on a bus from Paris to Belgium and received an invitation to stay with her in the Netherlands!). Spanish comes in handy with Italian, French, and Portuguese too!


My background is in Human Services. I love to cook, dance, solar bake, hang out with friends and family, and chill with my dog. Traveling is one of my top priorities in life and my Spanish Skills often come in handy even when I'm not in a Spanish-speaking country (met a Colombian on a bus from Paris to Belgium and received an invitation to stay with her in the Netherlands!). Spanish comes in handy with Italian, French, and Portuguese too!