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Not Active in the last 12 months

Emily Wolf

I truly believe that men and women should feel beautiful and radiant at any age. With the beauty enhancing capabilities of makeup, this is possible. I was born to be a makeup artist. I remember spending hours as a child digging through my mother's makeup collection and trying on every shade of lipstick. Today I have been lucky enough to turn my passion for beauty into a career.

With each client that sits in my chair, I listen to their individual needs, and create a look that is perfect for them. It is my job to make each client feel like the most beautiful version of themselves. I focus on creating a positive and comfortable atmosphere with lots of laughs along the way.


I truly believe that men and women should feel beautiful and radiant at any age. With the beauty enhancing capabilities of makeup, this is possible. I was born to be a makeup artist. I remember spending hours as a child digging through my mother's makeup collection and trying on every shade of lipstick. Today I have been lucky enough to turn my passion for beauty into a career.

With each client that sits in my chair, I listen to their individual needs, and create a look that is perfect for them. It is my job to make each client feel like the most beautiful version of themselves. I focus on creating a positive and comfortable atmosphere with lots of laughs along the way.