Fecund (fek'und): Katya Herb

5 have dabbled

Not Active in the last 12 months

Medium square biopicwoahsm

Fecund (fek'und): Katya Herb

5 have dabbled

Not Active in the last 12 months

Big square biopicwoahsm

Not Active in the last 12 months

Fecund (fek'und): Katya Herb

Katya Herb, owner of Fecund (fek'und): Herbal Products, has been studying and working with wild and cultivated plants for several years. Inspired by her interest in creating plant based health and beauty care products, she seeks to share her knowledge with others while cultivating and furthering her own understanding of all things plant related.


Katya Herb, owner of Fecund (fek'und): Herbal Products, has been studying and working with wild and cultivated plants for several years. Inspired by her interest in creating plant based health and beauty care products, she seeks to share her knowledge with others while cultivating and furthering her own understanding of all things plant related.