
Medium square 10406817 809343465787030 6648737770131296385 n


Big square 10406817 809343465787030 6648737770131296385 n

Not Active in the last 12 months

Francis Penavic

I love working with Digital, Oils, Acrylics, Watercolor, Pencils, Inks, Pastels, and Charcoals. I've been helping people with their art all my life as an Artist. A sketch a day will always get you closer to where you want to be.


I love working with Digital, Oils, Acrylics, Watercolor, Pencils, Inks, Pastels, and Charcoals. I've been helping people with their art all my life as an Artist. A sketch a day will always get you closer to where you want to be.