
2 have dabbled

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Medium square daisyheadband11


2 have dabbled

Not Active in the last 12 months

Big square daisyheadband11

Not Active in the last 12 months

Heidi Gustad

Heidi Gustad is a knitting, crochet and crafts designer. She first learned to knit at age 8 from a grandmother who saw in her a need for something to keep her busy. She's now a full time designer, video host, blogger & teacher. You can keep up with her designs and more by following her blog at handsoccupied.com.


Heidi Gustad is a knitting, crochet and crafts designer. She first learned to knit at age 8 from a grandmother who saw in her a need for something to keep her busy. She's now a full time designer, video host, blogger & teacher. You can keep up with her designs and more by following her blog at handsoccupied.com.