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7 have dabbled

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Heidi Massey

Heidi Massey is the Chief Connector and Community Builder at CommunityConnective and lives at the juncture of nonprofits and technology. She is passionate about nonprofit organizations and helping them leverage technology to further their missions. Heidi is also the founder of Chicago Counts, a technology conference for nonprofits. And although she truly loves and adores her 3 kids, she is thrilled to be an empty nester.


Heidi Massey is the Chief Connector and Community Builder at CommunityConnective and lives at the juncture of nonprofits and technology. She is passionate about nonprofit organizations and helping them leverage technology to further their missions. Heidi is also the founder of Chicago Counts, a technology conference for nonprofits. And although she truly loves and adores her 3 kids, she is thrilled to be an empty nester.