
5 have dabbled

Not Active in the last 12 months

Medium square jj


5 have dabbled

Not Active in the last 12 months

Big square jj

Not Active in the last 12 months


The most important quality I want to share is that I'm still learning, growing and imagining! Imagination doesn't have a timeline.
I studied with a professional artist for over 10 years and experimented with charcoal, pencil (colored and regular lead #2), pastels and oil. I taught children basic drawing and creativity for several years at the YMCA. Loved helping children see the magic of the little things in nature as well as their own imagination.....and to believe in themselves and their own artistry.


The most important quality I want to share is that I'm still learning, growing and imagining! Imagination doesn't have a timeline.
I studied with a professional artist for over 10 years and experimented with charcoal, pencil (colored and regular lead #2), pastels and oil. I taught children basic drawing and creativity for several years at the YMCA. Loved helping children see the magic of the little things in nature as well as their own imagination.....and to believe in themselves and their own artistry.