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43 have dabbled | 2 reviews

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Medium square medium square 12440524 10153763687501280 6236829082730642308 o
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43 have dabbled | 2 reviews

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Big square medium square 12440524 10153763687501280 6236829082730642308 o
5.0 | 2 reviews

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Jeremy Idleman (Chief Dog Lover)

Chief Operating Officer & St. Louis Community Manager. Jeremy started dabbling long before Dabble was founded. Though the practice didn’t start until high school art, his influences came even earlier by listening about the ingenuity of his father, watching first hand the resourcefulness of his brother, the artistic talents of one sister, the stubbornness to persevere from the other sister and endless encouragement from his parents. Jeremy currently serves on the board of Refab, a St. Louis non-profit that diverts building material waste and is a lieutenant in the Missouri Army National Guard of which he’s been a member of since 2000. Jeremy dabbles in furniture creation/restoration, upcycling, sculpture and dumpster-diving, which is where a lot of his dabble-inspiration comes from.


Chief Operating Officer & St. Louis Community Manager. Jeremy started dabbling long before Dabble was founded. Though the practice didn’t start until high school art, his influences came even earlier by listening about the ingenuity of his father, watching first hand the resourcefulness of his brother, the artistic talents of one sister, the stubbornness to persevere from the other sister and endless encouragement from his parents. Jeremy currently serves on the board of Refab, a St. Louis non-profit that diverts building material waste and is a lieutenant in the Missouri Army National Guard of which he’s been a member of since 2000. Jeremy dabbles in furniture creation/restoration, upcycling, sculpture and dumpster-diving, which is where a lot of his dabble-inspiration comes from.


  • Thumb img 0020
    Michelle M.
    Reviewed on 09/20/16

    A fun way to spend an evening. I didn't get dizzy but I did have a few drinks and managed to spell words.....Had more than a few laughs.

    A fun way to spend an evening. I didn't get dizzy but I did have a few drinks and managed to spell words.....Had more than a few laughs.

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    Tracy L.
    Reviewed on 05/31/16

    This was super fun and affordable! The teacher did a great job and the food at Fortune Teller was excellent!

    This was super fun and affordable! The teacher did a great job and the food at Fortune Teller was excellent!

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