
Medium square 20170921 104054


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Not Active in the last 12 months

John Larkin

John has taught a variety of classes besides massage over the years, but massage is by far his favorite. For the last 20 some years John has been a massage therapist specializing in the hardest cases. The ones others have given up on. John didn't start out that way, he started in the Free University system like this. No certificate, just information shared. Enough information to know when you need an expert and when you can do it yourself.


John has taught a variety of classes besides massage over the years, but massage is by far his favorite. For the last 20 some years John has been a massage therapist specializing in the hardest cases. The ones others have given up on. John didn't start out that way, he started in the Free University system like this. No certificate, just information shared. Enough information to know when you need an expert and when you can do it yourself.