
Medium square 1451942 10152484185658920 2062984522372121854 n


Big square 1451942 10152484185658920 2062984522372121854 n

Not Active in the last 12 months

John Shepard

John is an ex-fat guy that found his passion through running. He is the Owner of Take it on the Run, LLC a specialty running store in St. Louis which offers a unique way of shopping for your running needs. He's completed a ton of races ranging from 5k to a Marathon and has his sights set on an Ultra Marathon in the future. When he's not running, he's a Dad to 4 crazy kiddos and works in IT at his "real" job.


John is an ex-fat guy that found his passion through running. He is the Owner of Take it on the Run, LLC a specialty running store in St. Louis which offers a unique way of shopping for your running needs. He's completed a ton of races ranging from 5k to a Marathon and has his sights set on an Ultra Marathon in the future. When he's not running, he's a Dad to 4 crazy kiddos and works in IT at his "real" job.