Jorge Ruiz

Not Active in the last 12 months
Jorge Ruiz
Qigong is an ancient form of breathing method excercises that helps you balance mind, body, & spirit. With Chi building energy exercises, It will prevent you from getting sickness or illnesses. It will fullfill you with vitality and longevity. Make you feel energized and healthy, focused, and balanced. By working on certain forms that will help you purge, tonify, & regulate each organ.
Qigong is an ancient form of breathing method excercises that helps you balance mind, body, & spirit. With Chi building energy exercises, It will prevent you from getting sickness or illnesses. It will fullfill you with vitality and longevity. Make you feel energized and healthy, focused, and balanced. By working on certain forms that will help you purge, tonify, & regulate each organ.