
6 have dabbled

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6 have dabbled

Not Active in the last 12 months

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Not Active in the last 12 months

Julia S.

Julia is a Food & Beverage industry professional, certified sommelier, and standup comedian. Originally from Toronto, Ontario, she has lived and overeaten in France, Italy, New York, and now Chicago. Chicago has great donuts. Armed with an MBA, experience working with startups, lots of wine tasting under her belt and a few good jokes, Julia loves to meet new people and share a little knowledge over a cheese plate.


Julia is a Food & Beverage industry professional, certified sommelier, and standup comedian. Originally from Toronto, Ontario, she has lived and overeaten in France, Italy, New York, and now Chicago. Chicago has great donuts. Armed with an MBA, experience working with startups, lots of wine tasting under her belt and a few good jokes, Julia loves to meet new people and share a little knowledge over a cheese plate.