Kirsten Caywood

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Kirsten Caywood

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Not Active in the last 12 months

Kirsten Caywood

I have been a personal trainer, health coach and kettlebell instructor for nearly 10 years with prior experience as a nurse (10 years). I am passionate about teaching others about fitness, health and wellness but (more importantly) I find passion in helping my clients CONNECT to themselves through self love, self care and self advocacy.
I am 40 years old, have an awesome 15 year old son, a great boyfriend who supports me and 2 fur-babies (Baby and Gus). In my downtime, I love cooking, listening to podcasts/audiobooks and binge watching Forensic Files on Netflix (it's a serious problem).
I couldn't pick just ONE motto to use, if needed to describe my mission in life, so I'll name a couple that I love to remember:
"Love yourself enough to lead a healthy lifestyle"
"It's never too late to be what you might have been"
"Be the change you wish to see in this world"


I have been a personal trainer, health coach and kettlebell instructor for nearly 10 years with prior experience as a nurse (10 years). I am passionate about teaching others about fitness, health and wellness but (more importantly) I find passion in helping my clients CONNECT to themselves through self love, self care and self advocacy.
I am 40 years old, have an awesome 15 year old son, a great boyfriend who supports me and 2 fur-babies (Baby and Gus). In my downtime, I love cooking, listening to podcasts/audiobooks and binge watching Forensic Files on Netflix (it's a serious problem).
I couldn't pick just ONE motto to use, if needed to describe my mission in life, so I'll name a couple that I love to remember:
"Love yourself enough to lead a healthy lifestyle"
"It's never too late to be what you might have been"
"Be the change you wish to see in this world"