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4 have dabbled

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Laura B. Folkes

Laura B. Folkes is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) and is a Certified Holistic Health Coach who provides personalized support for busy adults looking to make food intolerances livable or maintain a healthy weight without deprivation. After successfully losing 60 pounds and working through her own emotional relationship with food, Laura recognizes there are many factors keeping individuals from sticking to what they know works. It’s her mission to help others overcome these factors to become healthier and happier.

To learn more visit or contact Laura at


Laura B. Folkes is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) and is a Certified Holistic Health Coach who provides personalized support for busy adults looking to make food intolerances livable or maintain a healthy weight without deprivation. After successfully losing 60 pounds and working through her own emotional relationship with food, Laura recognizes there are many factors keeping individuals from sticking to what they know works. It’s her mission to help others overcome these factors to become healthier and happier.

To learn more visit or contact Laura at