
3 have dabbled

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3 have dabbled

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Not Active in the last 12 months

Laura Swartzbaugh

Laura has been a teacher for over 25 years. Her passions include teaching, research, writing, reading, and learning. Along with teaching high school students by day, she owns her own dating coaching practice that came out of her experience of divorce, being a single mom, and dating online. Over the years, she has devoured self-help books, therapy, and coaching programs in order to better understand how to create high-quality relationships. She spent 3 years dating online, treating it as part research project/part self-help growth opportunity. Her book club enjoyed many, many months of hilarious stories chronicling her dating fails. In September 2015, she went on her last first date with her (now) fiancé, Michael. They are getting married in August 2018. She attributes meeting him in 2015 at least in part due to the fact that she made a vision board about meeting her future husband at a Dabble course in January 2015! She promised herself if she ever figured out how to manage online dating successfully, she would share it with as many women as possible so that she could to reduce their frustration and improve their dating success.


Laura has been a teacher for over 25 years. Her passions include teaching, research, writing, reading, and learning. Along with teaching high school students by day, she owns her own dating coaching practice that came out of her experience of divorce, being a single mom, and dating online. Over the years, she has devoured self-help books, therapy, and coaching programs in order to better understand how to create high-quality relationships. She spent 3 years dating online, treating it as part research project/part self-help growth opportunity. Her book club enjoyed many, many months of hilarious stories chronicling her dating fails. In September 2015, she went on her last first date with her (now) fiancé, Michael. They are getting married in August 2018. She attributes meeting him in 2015 at least in part due to the fact that she made a vision board about meeting her future husband at a Dabble course in January 2015! She promised herself if she ever figured out how to manage online dating successfully, she would share it with as many women as possible so that she could to reduce their frustration and improve their dating success.