
4 have dabbled

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Medium square dsc 2018


4 have dabbled

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Big square dsc 2018

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Little Feral

Kaysie Condron, owner of Little Feral, is a do-er, a maker, and an innovator. Born in Chicago and living in Portland, she is a self-taught fiber artist with a passion for helping people use art to find themselves. In a short 4 years, she has grown her business into a full-on fiber art machine, doing wholesale and custom work across the US and Australia. She makes process-focused art and believes in the power of each and every person's creativity to expand their world.


Kaysie Condron, owner of Little Feral, is a do-er, a maker, and an innovator. Born in Chicago and living in Portland, she is a self-taught fiber artist with a passion for helping people use art to find themselves. In a short 4 years, she has grown her business into a full-on fiber art machine, doing wholesale and custom work across the US and Australia. She makes process-focused art and believes in the power of each and every person's creativity to expand their world.