
6 have dabbled

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Medium square lizzie headshots 9 ws


6 have dabbled

Not Active in the last 12 months

Big square lizzie headshots 9 ws

Not Active in the last 12 months

Lizzie Greco

Lizzie Greco is the creative and crafty lady behind the local small business, Craftbelly Paper & Pattern. She started covering wood frames with decorative paper 6 years ago as a creative outlet from her day job and hasn't looked back! She has since started a business selling her patterned frames, along with other paper goods such as notebooks and wrapping paper, all featuring her own designs.


Lizzie Greco is the creative and crafty lady behind the local small business, Craftbelly Paper & Pattern. She started covering wood frames with decorative paper 6 years ago as a creative outlet from her day job and hasn't looked back! She has since started a business selling her patterned frames, along with other paper goods such as notebooks and wrapping paper, all featuring her own designs.