
Medium square 10407791 1029800633701859 1835997357267711221 n


Big square 10407791 1029800633701859 1835997357267711221 n

Not Active in the last 12 months

Matt Smith

I am a senior at The Ohio State University where I am majoring in Security and Intelligence. In addition I am working towards two minors in Criminology along with Social and Personality Psychology. I am the current President of the OSU Cryptology Club. My areas of knowledge include ciphers, personal security in all its forms, and the analysis crime and criminals. Currently I am employed part time as prep cook who specializes in cooking omelets. In addition I am a long time percussion player and have practiced a variety of martial arts.


I am a senior at The Ohio State University where I am majoring in Security and Intelligence. In addition I am working towards two minors in Criminology along with Social and Personality Psychology. I am the current President of the OSU Cryptology Club. My areas of knowledge include ciphers, personal security in all its forms, and the analysis crime and criminals. Currently I am employed part time as prep cook who specializes in cooking omelets. In addition I am a long time percussion player and have practiced a variety of martial arts.