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Maura Marksteiner

Maura Marksteiner helps women and their partners have fulfilling, safe, and empowering birth experiences. She is a music therapist, childbirth educator, birth doula, and essential oil educator. Through her company St. Louis Birth Rhythms she educates and empowers families and individuals with to find their "well spot"-the place where they are most well at this time in their lives. She is married, has two kids, and more stories about the above topics from her life than most people have time to listen to.


Maura Marksteiner helps women and their partners have fulfilling, safe, and empowering birth experiences. She is a music therapist, childbirth educator, birth doula, and essential oil educator. Through her company St. Louis Birth Rhythms she educates and empowers families and individuals with to find their "well spot"-the place where they are most well at this time in their lives. She is married, has two kids, and more stories about the above topics from her life than most people have time to listen to.