
9 have dabbled

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9 have dabbled

Not Active in the last 12 months

Big square  dkf8642

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Mimi Broihier

Mimi Broihier is a professional life coach and energy healer. She created a career of personal development after years in advertising and marketing in Los Angeles and Chicago. A Michigander at heart, Mimi is a trained Ornamental Horticulturist, Reconnective Energy Healing Practitioner, certified life coach and avid English Bulldog lover.


Mimi Broihier is a professional life coach and energy healer. She created a career of personal development after years in advertising and marketing in Los Angeles and Chicago. A Michigander at heart, Mimi is a trained Ornamental Horticulturist, Reconnective Energy Healing Practitioner, certified life coach and avid English Bulldog lover.