
Medium square 12373154 184667898549089 1076734395884538150 n


Big square 12373154 184667898549089 1076734395884538150 n

Not Active in the last 12 months

Moto Guild Chicago

We love to share motorcycle maintenance and motorcycle mechanics to everyone that has an interest. We can teach you on your own bike or we have a shop bike to use for demonstration. You will build enough confidence in our workshops and classes to change your own oil, change your own tire and balance the wheels, do a brake job on your own bike and bleed the brakes and change the pads. The sky is the limit on what you can do yourself on your own motorcycle in our shop. Don't have a bike yet, no problem we have plenty of shop bikes to do demonstrations on.


We love to share motorcycle maintenance and motorcycle mechanics to everyone that has an interest. We can teach you on your own bike or we have a shop bike to use for demonstration. You will build enough confidence in our workshops and classes to change your own oil, change your own tire and balance the wheels, do a brake job on your own bike and bleed the brakes and change the pads. The sky is the limit on what you can do yourself on your own motorcycle in our shop. Don't have a bike yet, no problem we have plenty of shop bikes to do demonstrations on.