Nature Babes

Medium square stephanie brooks

Nature Babes

Big square stephanie brooks

Not Active in the last 12 months

Nature Babes

Are you feeling stuck? Do you remember what you wanted to be before the weight of adulthood made you change course? When was the last time you took time to play? To laugh? To explore new experiences?

We are regular working women who wanted to connect with our inner divas and create an escape from the world to reconnect with likeminded women, rediscover the power of play, and reclaim our childhood imaginations and dreams.

Join us for vision board parties, outdoor adventures, and weekend retreats.


Are you feeling stuck? Do you remember what you wanted to be before the weight of adulthood made you change course? When was the last time you took time to play? To laugh? To explore new experiences?

We are regular working women who wanted to connect with our inner divas and create an escape from the world to reconnect with likeminded women, rediscover the power of play, and reclaim our childhood imaginations and dreams.

Join us for vision board parties, outdoor adventures, and weekend retreats.