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Patricia Bingue

Did you know that discovering details about the food, music, dance, spiritual and social practices in other cultures can help you develop an intimate knowledge of other countries and become a globally minded individual without having to leave your city?

I am experienced (10+years) at helping individuals discover the uniqueness in every culture through the food, music and dance of those countries and contemporary societies. My classes and events are engaging, dynamic & convenient and offers a fun and creative way to immerse in foreign cultures.


Did you know that discovering details about the food, music, dance, spiritual and social practices in other cultures can help you develop an intimate knowledge of other countries and become a globally minded individual without having to leave your city?

I am experienced (10+years) at helping individuals discover the uniqueness in every culture through the food, music and dance of those countries and contemporary societies. My classes and events are engaging, dynamic & convenient and offers a fun and creative way to immerse in foreign cultures.